Rocosa Ridge Ranch

Do You raise and directly market beef?

If you haven't done so already, consider being a part of our Iowa Local Beef Directory by filling out the producer submission form. Add your farm or market posting today!

Submit your info Here 

Farm Resources

inspected processors in iowa


Learn more about available processors in your area and their inspection status.


ISU Extension Fact Sheet


The initial steps of marketing local beef don't have to be overwhelming. This resource is a great tool that outlines considerations as you start building a local market.

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Beef buying guide

Steer Cut Chart

This guide includes marketing terms and information on storage and handling, meat inspection, and common beef cuts, etc.

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We Care, We Are Capable

IBIC works alongside the NCBA, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, to provide beef farmers with resources to best management practices. In Iowa we work with the Iowa Beef Center staff to provide in-person training certification sessions and assistance with online trainings.

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Beef University

Beef U Logo

This checkoff funded online training program is designed to help give you the latest information, research and consumer insights on beef. There are four educational components featuring; 1) raising beef, 2) nutrition and health, 3) beef basics and cuts, and 4) the modern consumer.

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Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA)

Masters of Beef Advocacy Logo

This checkoff-funded self-directed online training program is designed to equip you, a beef producer with information needed to be an everyday advocate of the beef industry. MBA students will be required to complete five course in beef advocacy.

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Are You Familiar With the Beef Checkoff Program?

If you've never heard of the Beef Checkoff Program and you raise cattle, please take a few minutes to become familiar with the program and what it means to you as a producer. Visit to start learning today!